Creatography helps small business owners discover, understand and apply the business concepts they need to turn their passion project into a thriving business.  

Our program of workshops, courses, tools and guidance offers clarity, confidence and the ability to articulate ideas into something concrete that you can use to propel yourself in the direction that is right for you.

Because you and your happiness should always be included when measuring return on investment.

  • Value Proposition Wheel

    Welcome to the Value Proposition Wheel. In this series of modules we help clarify your most valuable path by examining aspects of yourself, your offering and your customers. Your Value Proposition Statement concisely describes Who you serve, Why they buy from you, and How you serve them. We guide you through a mix of creative and templated activities to define and describe what you do (attributes) and the value of your work (benefits) and a clear view of your customer/client/patron.

  • Strategy Wheel

    Your Strategy determines how you will turn your Vision of the future into a reality. It explores your unique vision of success, and the ways you leverage your unique strengths to reach this success. Strategy considers your beliefs and values so that the path you choose is aligned with how you want to work and live.

  • Marketing Wheel

    You don’t have to meet a certain revenue goal to launch a marketing program. If you’re talking to customers, posting on social media, or maintaining a website, you’re marketing. Our Marketing Wheel teaches you how to find where your potential customers are and what tools are best for you to use in order to reach them.

Creatography brings you the tools and knowledge to:

  • Explore and articulate how you are different and valuable so you can tell the world

  • Attract those who most value what you create

  • Identify and avoid obstacles rather than letting these defeat you

  • Build confidence so you can seek help and gain access to resources and support you need

  • Envision new possibilities, open new paths to attain work life harmony

  • Craft a truer picture of what success means to you